Upcoming Support Group Meetings
Looking for motivation? Inspiration? Encouragement? Connection? Stressed out? Looking for resources and information? YES? We are looking for YOU! See our virtual and face-to-face dates below. See you soon!
In-Person Meetings:
January 11th
March 15th
July 19th
September 20th
November 15th
Virtual Meetings:
February 22nd
April 19th
August 16th
October 18th
December 6th
In-Person meetings are held at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Room 2 of the Medical Arts Building located at 3003 W Dr MLK Jr. Blvd., Tampa, FL 33607.
RSVP: 813-850-2352 or email support4caregivers@live.com.
Click below for the Zoom link. Meeting ID is 824 6361 1909
If you have specific topics, questions, or resources you would like us to address during the support group, please utilize the "Contact Us" section on the website and we will be sure to respond to them at the next group.