I can not say enough good things about our support group. We are a mixed group of special needs. Every time the group gets together, we all share and grow from each others experiences. We also celebrate each other’s triumphs. I always feel so good after each meeting as somehow something hit home for me and helps me as I care and advocate for my son and his needs. Somehow the meeting always know what we each need, feel or have going on. I always feel so good after each meeting and it helps knowing you are not alone. Our special needs may be very different, but a lot of times we are facing the same challenges. It truly helps to play on each others strengths when you are dealing or going through something. Even though there may not be a simple answer or solution to what we are going through it helps to talk about things with others going through similar situations. Our founders LaKeesha and Willie are also always there to help or lend an ear and they always are looking for speakers and such that they feel will help the whole group. They also always bring us a world of information on things going on in the community and some times information on help that is available to families in the community dealing with special needs. I am also able to take my son to the meetings and they have such wonderful volunteers that work with the kids so I can have this time with other special needs parents. This also benefits my son in many ways, as he realizes he is not alone and there are all types of people with different disabilities in the world. This is very important for him, as it helps him except himself more and except others and their disabilities as well. Thank you LaKeesha and Willie for all you do. I have met many life long friends in our group. Because of our support group many of us have found each other on social media as well. So even if we are not at a meeting we are able to keep up with each other and continue to support each other on a daily basis.